Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Food prices and pesticides report

England Marketing completed a new study, commissioned by the Crop Protection Association, that looks at the potential social impact of food price rises. The study relates specifically to the EU proposal to to replace the current directive on the authorisations of pesticides. Recent reports by ADAS and Cranfield University respectively have argue that the introduction of new pesticide regulations would a significantly
a. reduce crop yields and
b. raise food prices.

The report is entitled Playing Politics with our Food? Research into the Social Impacts of European Legislation-Induced Increases in Food Prices and can be downloaded here: www.englandmarketing.co.uk/reports.htm.

Note that the report does not look at all at the environmental/health rationale for changing the regulations on pesticide use nor at what current food prices would be if the environmental and health exernalities of pesticide use (and other inputs) were internalised in the cost of the food. For a different take on the EU proposals see the Pesticides Action Network website - http://www.pan-europe.info/

Thanks to the Food Climate Research Network - mailinglist.

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