Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Vegetarian day in schoolcanteens

Ghent, Belgium, a city with 250000 inhabitants will introduce from next schoolyear, Thursday vegetarian day in their schoolcanteens.
More than 2000 children that enjoy the hot meals in the schoolcanteens will have every Thursday a vegetarion meal. This is to increase the awareness of a healthy diet as well the awareness of sustainability.

More information on (only in Dutch):


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All young public health nutritionists have been invited to participate in the YOUNG SCIENTIST AWARD. This is a joint initiative of the ENLP-SEANLP-ANLP programmes sponsored by the Judith Zwartz Foundation, that will take place at the upcoming 19th International Congress of Nutrition in Bangkok.

Full details about this and other activities organized within the frame of the ICN-Bangkok can also be found here.

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Better food at work

Firsdt call for the conference "Better food at work" - the Nordic & Baltic experience.
The conference will be held in Tallinn, Estonia, from 23 - 25 September 2009.

More information avaiable here

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Vacancy at the International Atomic Energy Agency

The Nutritional and Health Related Environmental Studies Section at the
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna is looking for a
Nutrition Scientist to join their team.

More information available here

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Friday, May 1, 2009

Postdoctoral Research position SKO 1352 – University of Oslo, Institute

Department of Nutrition is one of the largest departments at IMB. The position is connected to professor Rune Blomhoffs research group and the project "The health effects of a diet rich in plant-based foods and fish. Focus on Nordic food”, which is funded by the Research Council (Folkehelseprogrammet).

Reference no: 2009/6224
Deadline for application: 14.05.2009

Contact info:

Professor Rune Blomhoff, +47 22 85 13 95

For questions regarding online application: Marie Cecilie Bakken, +47 22 84 46 86

Apply for position online here and click on the link “Søk på stillingen” and choose English language at the top of the page (use the link “Språk”).

3 Job vacancies at Danone

More information online at www.danonepeople.com
Relevant job references:
- JR 15367: Senior Nutrition Scientist Recommendations
- JR 15394: Senior Scientist Nutrition Epidemiology
- JR 15368: Senior Scientist Nutrient metabolism & physiology

Vacancy for a research assistant at the Food and Climate Change Research Institute

The Food and Climate Change Research Institute has a vacancy for a Research Assistant. The post is part time (2 days a week) and funded for 2 years.

The work will involve providing administrative support, synthesising information relating to food and climate change and producing material for dissemination via the FCRN membership mailing list and the FCRN website.

Candidates should have a first degree in a relevant subject or equivalent work experience, excellent writing, summary and communication skills and a general understanding of food and environmental issues. A Masters degree or equivalent experience is preferable but the job may also be suitable for someone undertaking a part-time Masters course.

For full job and application details visit http://www.surrey.ac.uk and click on ‘Job Opportunities’ or contact Rebecca Varcoe on Tel: +44 (0) 1483 686060 or email r.varcoe@surrey.ac.uk. Quote Post Ref No. 7042.

Deadline for applications: 22 May 2009.

20th International Summer School of Epidemiology

Ulm University, Germany
Institute of Epidemiology
July 27 – July 31, 2009
The program is geared to persons with interest in the fields of epidemiology and public health. Professionals, scientists and students working in clinical medicine, epidemiology, public health, social insurance, health policy or health administration are welcome. All courses will be held in English.

More information available here

2 post doc & 1 PhD position at the Center for Healthy Aging, University of Copenhagen

The new Center for Healthy Aging invites applications for two post doc positions and one Ph.D. preparation grant within its Research Program 4. The post docs are for a period of two years with a possibility of extension. The grant is for an initial period of 3 months. The positions focus on social and cultural aspects of interventions with a primary focus on preventive medication.

The positions are open at the earliest convenience. The Post Docs will be placed at the Department of Anthropology in the Social Science Faculty and the Unit of Health Services Research, Department of Public Health, Faculty of Health Sciences. The pre-PhD will be affiliated to one of the two units or to the Unit of Social Medicine under the Department of Public Health. The Post Doc will work on his/her own project in collaboration with other members of the team and also take part in joint multidisciplinary projects related to Program 4 of the Center. Furthermore, the post doc will be involved in teaching activities to a certain amount.

For more information clic here

The New Genomics: Public Health, Social and Clinical Implications

University of Bristol

4 – 5 June 2009

In celebration of the University’s Centenary, this year’s Colston Research Society Symposium brings together a range of speakers from those working at the forefront of many areas of medical research and clinical practice relating to Genetics, Society and Public Health.

There is a line up of excellent international speakers and a special public lecture by Professor Sydney Brenner of the Salk Institute.

More information