The new Center for Healthy Aging invites applications for two post doc positions and one Ph.D. preparation grant within its Research Program 4. The post docs are for a period of two years with a possibility of extension. The grant is for an initial period of 3 months. The positions focus on social and cultural aspects of interventions with a primary focus on preventive medication.
The positions are open at the earliest convenience. The Post Docs will be placed at the Department of Anthropology in the Social Science Faculty and the Unit of Health Services Research, Department of Public Health, Faculty of Health Sciences. The pre-PhD will be affiliated to one of the two units or to the Unit of Social Medicine under the Department of Public Health. The Post Doc will work on his/her own project in collaboration with other members of the team and also take part in joint multidisciplinary projects related to Program 4 of the Center. Furthermore, the post doc will be involved in teaching activities to a certain amount.
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